
We're starting a blog. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Meet Lainey Kate!!!

Lainey Kate Gaddis came into our world on February 24, 2011. 
She was 6 lbs., 4 oz, 18.25 inches long.


Lainey has grown so much in 2 months!  She is already 10 lbs!  I am so lucky that she is a good baby!  My favorite thing is when she smiles at me - it melts my heart!!  <3

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fun Stuff!

It's Tuesday and it's really cold outside - so I'm inside - browsing the internet for some funny stuff to share with you guys.  Enjoy!  <3

Best of "Face Replace":   http://www.buzzfeed.com/melismashable/the-best-of-face-replace

Vintage Ads that would be banned today:  http://www.buzzfeed.com/mathieus/13-vintage-ads-that-would-be-banned-today-8q4

Website "Chat Roulette" - funny:  http://www.buzzfeed.com/awesomer/the-24-best-chat-roulette-screenshots-nsfw

Remember Middle School dances?:  http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/10-things-i-remember-about-middle-school-dances

Hilarious!! - Guys acting like girls (really funny!):  http://www.buzzfeed.com/mattdaviss/guys-acting-like-girls-t4l

This kid is awesome!  "Whip my Hair" amature ice skate video:  http://www.urlesque.com/2010/12/30/starr-andrews-willow-smith-ice-rink/

Thursday, January 6, 2011


So long to 2010!  It was definitely a crazy year!
I left my job as an executive assistant in May, in search of a simpler life!  For me, that meant working part time retail.  I loved it and felt blessed to have been able to do that.

In July, we found out we were expecting!  I want to share a special story about finding out I was pregnant.  I knew even before I tested that I was pregnant.  I felt it in my heart.  In June we went out on my parents boat to go see the dolphins off the Gulf.  This always flutters my heart and amazes me.  Brian and I had been swimming with dolphins the year before in Jamaica and I was ready to play again!  After much hesitation, I went into the water in hopes they would swim up to me.  Then I kinda freaked out that I was in the middle of an ocean 30 feet deep and scrambled back to the boat.  When I got back on board, a dolphin came by and jumped out of the water in a spectacular full in-air flip.  It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen.  I knew at that moment what the dolphins must have known!  It's like the dolphin did a happy dance just for me.  I will never forget that and believe it was a sign from God.

Baby girl Lainey Kate will join us in about 8 weeks from today! Needless to say, it has been a roller coaster of emotions in this house!  Excitement mixed with a little uncertainty. The name "Lainey" came to us before we were even pregnant.  I heard it years ago in a movie called "She's All That" with Rachel Leigh Cook.  A strong-willed character who stuck up for herself.  I liked that, and after all the names we went through, Lainey stuck with us in the long run.  Kate was another favorite name on our list, so we decided to use it for her middle name.  My guardian angel is believed to be names Kate, Brian's grandmother is a Kate, and so is my great-great grandmother.

Christmas came sooner than expected.  We had a fabulous Christmas at our house this year.  Since I had a couple incidents of pre-term labor, my doctor advised us that I shouldn't travel.  I wasn't able to make it to my dad's family in Austin, and my airline seat remained vacant for our scheduled trip to Wisconsin to see Brian's family.  Brian and Evan had a great time, though and I'm really glad they got to spend some special time together.